Join us for our upcoming Open Houses on April 6 and May 4th from 10:00 – 1:00, no appointment necessary.
Department of Health
Our camp undergoes biannual inspections by the Nassau County Department of Health, with reports filed at 200 County Seat Drive, Mineola, NY 11501. Inquiries can be made Monday through Friday between 9:00 AM and 4:45 PM.
Medical Form
All campers MUST submit a recent physical exam and vaccination record before camp starts. If you are unable to get updated forms, please submit the most recent physical exam and provide an update for any changes that have occurred since the exam was completed, including any vaccinations that have been administered.
Camper Health and Medical Services
Our Health Office is fully prepared to address the medical needs of your camper with diligence and care. Here’s what you need to know about our health and safety protocols:
- The Health Office will see all campers requiring first aid or medical care. All Health Care personnel will utilize appropriate PPE.
- A full-time nurse is on staff.
- A camp physician is on retainer and will be contacted when further medical attention is required.
- If a child becomes ill during the day at camp, they must be picked up as soon as possible.
- Any child with a fever greater than 99.8 degrees Fahrenheit (37.6 degrees Celsius) or displaying symptoms consistent with COVID-19—such as cough, fever, shortness of breath, muscle aches, sore throat, unexplained loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, headache, or fatigue—will be escorted to the nurse’s office. There, they will be allowed to rest while waiting to be picked up.
- Parents will be notified by phone if a camper is injured during the camp day. All visits to the nurse are documented in the Nurse’s Log. The Health Center can be reached by calling the main office at (516) 620-2022.
- Anyone who is sick should stay home.
- Parents and staff are partners in maintaining a healthy camp environment and are expected to monitor their camper’s health and follow all camp policies.
- Campers who miss 5 days or more of camp due to illness, injury, or exclusion by a doctor or local authority will receive a credit for the missed time toward the following summer. No refunds will be issued.
- A doctor’s note will be required both to return to camp and to claim this credit.
Communicable Disease and COVID-19 Response Plan
Please review our critical health reporting and response policies regarding COVID-19 and other communicable diseases:
- Parents, campers, and staff are REQUIRED to notify the Camp Director, Becky Firestone, if they test positive for COVID-19 or any other contagious disease specified on the NYSDOH’s list of Reportable Communicable Diseases.
- Once notified, the Director will report the case to the Nassau County Department of Health and follow all required protocols and directions.
- BSDC will not notify the entire camp community about individual COVID-19 cases within the camp.
- Absences due to COVID-19, up to 5 days, will be credited towards future weeks in Summer 2024. These credits are not transferable to other family members or friends. NO REFUNDS will be issued for such absences.
Cleaning and Disinfecting
We uphold strict cleanliness standards at Beth Sholom Day Camp to ensure the health and safety of all campers and staff:
- All high-traffic areas, including bathrooms, lunch spaces, playgrounds, and sports equipment are regularly disinfected with EPA-approved agents.
- Lunch tables and seats are sanitized before and after each use to prevent the spread of germs.
- Group Leaders carry portable sanitizers for consistent hand hygiene.
- Staff are trained to supervise and enforce proper handwashing among campers throughout the day.